Bohemia Bunnie

Thursday, February 03, 2005

A long long time ago in Marine Vista

A long time ago, when I was young and the world was new, I went to school in Victoria Junior College. Once you enter Uni, JC seems like so long ago. For the guys it really is a long time ago, because they've had 2 years of NS to wash the JC residue out and make them MEN! but for us girls, with our sentimental feelings, it seems like yesterday we were experiencing coed school for the first time in many years (for me anyway).

Here's the picture anyway, taken by our Physics tutor. It was before the JAE so some of the people in the photos ended up going to other JCs. And of course this explains my weird PLMGS-meets-SCGS outfit. It's called a Malaysian secondary school pinafore!



At 10:11 AM, Blogger Suspected For Devotion said...

how come got pinafoil 1? malaysian students?

At 5:31 PM, Blogger Lynnylchan said...

The girl in the turquoise pinafore and white blouse is modelling the national girls' secondary uniform. The one she's leaning on, in white blouse and turquoise skirt is modelling a commonly-used prefects' uniform. Prefect uniforms vary from school to school.


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